18 Ocak 2017 Çarşamba


Manisa is a city in the west of Turkey. It's an old city and it's got a population of about three hundred fifty thousand. There are a lot of shops, cinema and monuments.

I like Manisa because it is small and pretty city and people are friendly. There are good shops and cinemas. In Manisa my favourite place is Turgutlu.

There are some nice places in Manisa. It's only a few kilometres from the park and there are a lot of parks. There are also buses and cars. I like Manisa. It's a good city.

17 Ocak 2017 Salı

Caretta Caretta

What is it?

Caretta Caretta lives in the sea. It a kind of turtle. It can be one metre long and it can weight 90 kilos. It eats fish, shellfish espacially jellyfish. Men have a longer tail than females.

What's the problem?

Caretta carettas are in danger now. Because of people's settling, reproduction capacity and light pollution are harmful for them.

How can we help?

You can find information on the websites about caretta carettas. Some restaurants near the sea and institutions are protect this animals. We shouldn't use camera near them. We must not hunt. We should protect them.